kegiatan penelitian klinik dan non-klinik yang dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarata oleh pegawai, unit kerja atau pihak internal Rumah Sakit Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarata
No | Tahun | Nama Pengusul | Nama Penulis | Institusi | Judul | Nama Jurnal, Vol., Page, Bulan, Tahun |
1 | 2024 | Dr. Tito Sumarwoto, dr., M.Kes., SpOT (K)., S.H., M.H | Dr. Tito Sumarwoto, dr., M.Kes., SpOT (K)., S.H., M.H | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Enhancement of Schwann-like cells differentiation from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells by administration of platelet-rich plasma: An in vitro study | J. Med. Pharm. Chem. Res. 6 (2024) 1383-1394 |
2 | 2024 | Dr. Tito Sumarwoto, dr., M.Kes., SpOT (K)., S.H., M.H | Dr. Tito Sumarwoto, dr., M.Kes., SpOT (K)., S.H., M.H | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Surgery Setting: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Literature Review | Acta Inform Med. 2024, 32(1): 19-23 |
3 | 2024 | dr. Komang Sp. KFR,MPd | dr. Komang Sp. KFR,MPd ;dr. Wahidah, Sp. KFR ;dr. Iza Netiasa Haris | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Knee Range-Of-Motion Pada Pasien Total Knee Replacement Di Rso Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso | - |
4 | 2024 | Reka Yuniarta, S.Kep.,Ns. | Reka Yuniarta, S.Kep.,Ns; Agus Sutaryo, S.Kep.,Ns; Sittatun Mukharomah, S.Kep., Ns; Dr. dr. Romaniya | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Gambaran Anemia Pada Pasca Operasi Scoliosis di ICU RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | - |
5 | 2024 | dr. Mujaddid Idulhaq, SpOT(K), M.Kes | Mujaddid Idulhaq; Pamudji Utomo; Ambar Mudigdo; Brian Wasita | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Effect of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and hydroxyapatite from eggshells to TGF? and ALP in the healing of rat bone defects | Eurasian Chem. Commun. 6 (2023) 492-501 |
6 | 2023 | Dr. Tito Sumarwoto, dr., M.Kes., SpOT (K)., S.H., M.H | Tito Sumarwoto, Seti Aji Hadinoto, Dina Aprilya, Sigit Bayudono, Totok Siswanto | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Functional Outcomes of Neglected Elbow Dislocation Treated with Double ApproachSurgery | Orthop Res Rev. 2023; 15: 175–181. |
7 | 2023 | Didit Triono, S.Kep., Ns | Didit Triono; Aris Prayitno; Endang Winarni; Sri Mulyati; Nanda Wardhana | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Overview Of The Level Of Depression, Anxiety and Postoperative Stress In Bone Tumor Patients At Orthopedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 04, No. 07, July2023 |
8 | 2023 | Prof. Dr. dr. PAMUDJI UTOMO, Sp.OT(K) | Pamudji Utomo; Hafizh Nur Santoso; Dykall Naf’an Dzikri | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | The impact of Covid-19 after one year on the spine orthopedic service at the center orthopedic hospital in Indonesia. | Bali Medical Journal (Bali MedJ) 2023, Volume 12, Number 2: 2200-2203 |
9 | 2023 | dr. Asep Santoso, Sp.OT(K) | Asep Santoso; Pamudji Utomo; Ferdiansyah Mahyudin; Dwikora N. Utomo; Nicolaas C Budhiparama; Iwan B | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | The Use of Bovine-derived hydroxyapatite xenograft for defectfilling in opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy | Ann Med Surg (Lond) . 2023 Jun 17;85(7):3339-3346 |
10 | 2023 | Dr. dr. Romaniyanto, Sp.OT(K), Spine, MARS | Romaniyanto ; Ferdiansyah Mahyudin ; Dwikora N. Utomo ; Heri Suroto ; Winda A. Sari ; Muhammad S. | RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta | Effectivity of puncture method for intervertebral disc degeneration animal models: review article | Ann Med Surg (Lond) . 2023 May 12;85(7):3501-3505 |